Pushing black and white film is very common. There's so much on the internets about pushing shooting Tri-X at 1600 that I even pushed my first roll to 1600 without having even tried it at box speed. Not many people talk about pushing slide film however.
Ektar, Portra, Superia, Natura and all the slides. Just to tasty to take a pass on right now. I'll shoot a consistent film stock when there's only one left to shoot! Until then I wanna have it all.
With the price increase of Fuji and Kodak we also got new film stock here in Tokyo. Yodobashi Camera now has a bunch of Rollei B/W films and CineStill films on the shelves.
A friend of mine had a look at my pictures on Flickr and the first feedback I got was "from these photos I can tell you're really tall". True, in Japan I am taller than the average. I've been shooting the 35mm focal length almost exclusively for the past two years and slowly I am finding out what works and what doesn't.